Shrimper Owners Association
How to Advertise Your Cottage

How to Advertise Your Cottage

The SOA is pleased to offer members the opportunity to advertise holiday rental cottages with a Shrimper connection, such as use of a boat or a mooring so you can bring your own. Please be aware that the Shrimper Owners Association accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the advertisement content or subsequent letting arrangements. This facility is available only to current members of the SOA.

Please send advert content by email to me, Richard Worsley, at If you wish to include photos of your cottage with the advert, these should be of reasonable quality, the right way up so they view correctly and in Jpeg format, ideally sent as attachments to an email.

For a cottage to be included in our listing we ask for a donation of £80 to the Shrimper Owners Association. This should be sent via BACS together with an email the Honorary Treasurer, Karen Macey,, to let her know that payment has been made. Please indicate that the donation is for a cottage rental advert and include your name and the name of the cottage.

Cottage Rental listings will be renewable annually on 1st February

Bank account information for BACS transfer:

Account Name: Shrimper Owners Assoc
Sort Code: 09-01-54
Account Number: 75223284
Reference: Please use Sail No and your name.

(Please note: the BACS account checker system will recognise "Assoc" and process your payment. It will not recognise "Association").

For overseas members please use:

IBAN: GB76ABBY09015475223284

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