Shrimper Owners Association
International Shrimper Week

International Shrimper Week

Alongside at Dale_jpg.jpgThe 'Flagship' event of the SOA calendar, usually held in June each year, when Shrimpers from all over the UK and Europe gather to sail in company and meet up with friends old and new whilst exploring new and interesting locations. 

There is a great feeling of camaraderie on these international rallies, often as a result of sharing joint experiences.  But along with the fun, the adventure and exploration, owners also learn a lot about themselves and their boats when sailing with other Shrimpers. Those with less experience appreciate the extra degree of security of sailing in company, especially in conditions that crews might tend to avoid if on their own.   The experience only adds to the confidence we feel when sailing our remarkably seaworthy Shrimpers.  


Our rallies have been held in many different locations over the years. These are listed below and clicking on the location will (in most cases) take you to a log/report prepared by a participant:


Trailing to the EU

From the list of locations below it will be seen that International Shrimper Week (ISW) is often held outside the UK.  Since Brexit, taking your boat into Europe is not the easy process it once was.  Those intending to trail or sail to countries within the EU, whether independently or to participate in an SOA event, such as ISW, should be aware of the latest regulations governing short term importation of vessels into the EU.  We have put together some information on what may be involved and this can be found on the adjoining Trailing to the EU page.  


Please be aware that these notes are by no means exhaustive and are for guidance only.  The SOA cannot be responsible fior any inaccuracies and owners are advised to confirm which regulations apply to them and the country they intend to visit.   



ISW Location by Year


2000    Brst, Brittany

2001    East CoastOn the Ferry to Denmark

2002    Southern Holland

2003    Poole

2004    Wales

2005    Friesland, Holland

2006    Falmouth

2007    Morbihan,Brittany

2008    Plymouth

2009    Denmark

2010    Scotland

2011    Holland

2012    Falmouth

2013    Solent & Chichester

2014    St Malo, Brittany

2015    Rothesay, Isle of Bute

2016    Friesland, Holland

2017    Milford Haven

2018    Lough Erne, NI

2019    Plymouth

2021    East Coast

2022    Scotland

2023    Falmouth

2024    Netherlands


The usual format sees an organised first week (or longer) providing interesting day cruises under the guidance of local owners who have the vital 'local knowledge'.  During the the organised first "week" a day is usually set aside for those keen on racing to compete for the Shrimper Challenge Cup See Shrimper trophies 

At the end of the week there is a Prize Giving supper where there is always much enthusiastic discussion about the week's adventures and during which prizes and trophies are awarded, including the Challenge Cup.

Crews often stay on after the organised event to further explore the area, perhaps revisiting locations or moving on to new areas and different harbours. Thus is generally of a more relaxed, low key, affair with owners doing "their own thing", usually in smaller groups. 


Every SOA Member is invited to attend ISW, but be sure to get your entry in early as spaces are generally limited.  

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